ロック&ロードアイマスクは 再利用可能な軽量シリコン製アイパッチのペア。アイケア ルーチンの効果を最大限に高めるように設計されています。しっかりと密閉することで、有効成分、美容液、クリームを肌の近くに保持し、最大限に吸収させ、目の下の肌に潤いを与え、リフレッシュさせ、目に見えて滑らかにします。
細線のスムージング: 完璧に粘着性のあるテクスチャーにより、肌を優しく持ち上げて平らにし、小じわやシワを目立たなくするのに役立ちます。
ステップ1: 顔を洗い、お気に入りのアイクリームまたは美容液を塗ります。
ステップ2: アイマスクを目の上に10〜20分間置き、水分と有効成分を閉じ込めて吸収を高めます。
ステップ3: マスクをそっと取り外し、シリコンマスクを洗顔料で洗います。マスクはケースに入れて保管し、後で使用できるようにします。
Easy to use and clean. Can use multiple times
I've been using this undereye mask for a little while now, and I've noticed a real improvement in how refreshed and awake my eyes look. It's fantastic for the environment!
For the price I payed for these reusable patches, I love them and they do their job. You can use these with whatever eye serum/oil you desire. They are easy to wash/clean. Adhesive works great! Love that it came with its storage tin!
Pacifica !!! These are the best on the market.
They are reusable and came with a little tin box for easy storage.Easy to apply, Easy to clean.Comfortable.
100% a HG! 10/10.Stick them on the area you like after applying your favorite eye product and go about your morning! They are so relaxing and the cooling sensation really wakes me up in the morning and makes me feel refreshed.
This is a nice way to be a bit more environmentally friendly. The tin is really cute. I find them a bit heavy to wear (you can really feel they are there) but am happy I bought them and look forward to trying them with different creams and serums.
I really enjoy these eye masks and especially like that you can use your own serum or cream. It works best if you let the serum/cream absorb into the skin a bit then apply the mask over top so it doesn't slide around. These masks stay in place and are very easy to clean. I enjoy that they are reusable and cuts down on waste.
I genuinely feel like my eyes look less puffy when I take them off, very happy about that. I followed the manufacturer's instructions on the box showing how to clean them and they've held up very well after a few uses.
I like these and the idea though I wouldn't recommend sleeping in bc they will come off, 10 to 15 mins is the best.